Being Scared.
- Everybody says it’s best to be a child. But that’s stupid. Kids are scared all the time. You know how scared they are?
- Very scared?
-So what is your view on marriage?
-Umm. I don’t know. I never thought of it.
-Hmm. You haven’t thought of it.
-I mean, I never had to. You know, nobody talks about it at home. We hardly talk.
(Looks down into plate and nods.) –Get me some fruit.
So you never discussed this.
-Maybe I did. Not really, very keenly. Maybe I did.
-Oh god, she’s drunk again.
-I am not!
-I told you not to let her drink so much.
-But I’m not drunk.
-Look at you, what is she going to tell her parents.
I told you not to let her drink.
-(Everybody giggles)
-Take her away. (Expletives).
-No, I’m not drunk. I can walk, see, I can. Don’t worry.
-Shut up. Shut up! Go, puke. Puke.
-About your assignment. The music was (lost his words). But I think you should have done better. Your pictures could have been better.
-No, it was mediocre.
- (Looks down) Mediocre.
- Yes, well, you are smarter than this.
-No, it was mediocre.
- (Looks down) Mediocre.
I am 20 and and a half and there's still so much to be wary of.
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