An Inspiration on a hot summer afternoon trying to stay awake and stay busy. I saw her right in front of me. Not on the screen, she was on a wall: grey stones and all, staring back at me without actually thinking about me. I saw her alright, in a unclean, green park, waving to the passing afternoon, who was lifting her skirt to reveal her dark underneath. She knew without really knowing this was the last undressing she would see. She didnt know if she should have been happy. She was waiting for her life to pass in front of her eyes. But there it was, all so small, OH so small. 20 years, watching the same people had left her no need of memories. She didnt do anything wild, she never chastised, never hurt, never loved, never smoked, never got drunk. She got knocked up the first time by a very nice guy with an average amount of passion, with an average amount of loving. She didnt even get pregnant, she never even kissed a woman and got clicked when doing so. She wrote things nobody would read, she sang in a voice nobody noticed, she had no friends she could boast about. She was average. ABNORMALLY so. Then it changed. On this winter afternoon, she saw the darkness in her, a small streak that was subsided and divided till math had killed and english had tamed it. She picked it up and kissed it, she placed it on her chest and let it sink in. It told her things she had never known, things she couldnt crave for because she was oblivious to its existence. She cried on that midday wondering where she had left her life.
In her failed love?
On the dick of her average lover?
In the hands of her affectionate parents?
She wouldnt know, it was too late to matter. She swung her legs rubbed her hands in wait. The wind brushed against her average body where an abonormal spirit was growing. She turned to look at the valley her innocent eyes had never seen and her spirit grew to raging heights. She leered, smiled and howled...
And fell.
Her innocence had died. Her spirit broke free. It was a mad affair I saw in her eyes today.
P.S.: I need to find this woman. Please please someone please tell me whos this lady with an album called vespertine. PLEASE!
In her failed love?
On the dick of her average lover?
In the hands of her affectionate parents?
She wouldnt know, it was too late to matter. She swung her legs rubbed her hands in wait. The wind brushed against her average body where an abonormal spirit was growing. She turned to look at the valley her innocent eyes had never seen and her spirit grew to raging heights. She leered, smiled and howled...
And fell.
Her innocence had died. Her spirit broke free. It was a mad affair I saw in her eyes today.
P.S.: I need to find this woman. Please please someone please tell me whos this lady with an album called vespertine. PLEASE!