Thursday, March 31, 2005


A vile dream and all is pain,
Twitches, twists on the nights winding way,
Come morning the dream is gone,
A faint tremor and then she falls into unperturbed calm.
A chair to sit on, peering with those doused eyes,
She sits still for the sullen artist,
Who walks in with his sullen stride.
A brush stroke here and a stab there, a frown and then a disgusted cry,
‘Smile you hag. Give me a better picture to paint! Don’t sit there like a waxen display!’
‘Art thou dead? Art thou dead?’ they scream in her face,
No, not yet the doctor declares.
‘O but she sits so still, O but she hears not what he says.’
‘Slap her, make her cry, O let her stir, she is the bride!’
Again, again, the vague princess shaken and jabbed,
Trembling lips, a tiny tear,
Appreciative smiles, glad cheer…
And then they abandon.
The artist satiated, stabs, strokes, swipes his brush,
Stands back to look at his piece,
Stares back a pale dame in lonely colours.
‘Art thou dead? Art thou dead?’
‘No, not yet.’


Blogger Laura Castelino said...

sounds doped or stoned.
Why the aggrivation?

12:48 PM  
Blogger Citrus said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yr ass is on the firing line of the mangy's


2:18 PM  
Blogger De.vile said...

i love being THE dope. god i swear i do. melodrama makes it sound cheap. dont do that.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful ppl are found in beautiful world


2:28 PM  
Blogger Laura Castelino said...

didn't mean to imply that you were doped...was refering to woman in post.

2:53 PM  
Blogger De.vile said...

dunno. jus like disinterested ppl i guess. i have no answers, alot of questions i dont need answers to tho...

7:31 PM  
Blogger BM, The Necessary Movement said...

I love it!! You use great words together!! Doped up or not still a great peoce of writting!!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Good stuff...but why do I see death as the most popular subject to blog about?

1:36 AM  
Blogger Keshi said...

DOPE did not come to my mind's a masterpiece given life...

dewdrop death is what people fear the most and don't know much about...hence the most analysed topic around :)

5:33 AM  
Blogger Laura Castelino said...

disinterested hmmm, so basically she's gone past caring and can't even if it occured to her to?
ok i'll stop overanalysing.
I see you don't indulge in vituperation, some people are just so touchy about everything, glad you're not one of them.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Keshi said...

Agony as usual using heavy words with no valuable meaning to the reader lol!

Anyways Agony what you trying to do - test people's tolerance levels to abuse? hehehe...


11:28 AM  
Blogger Laura Castelino said...

relax keshi, wasn't talking to you.
you really shoúldn't get so worked up over what people say, it's not healthy.

2:48 PM  
Blogger De.vile said...

hmm...death isnt always what i talk about. aint too keen on it. maybe a little on the moody side but i definitely am not 'into' death.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

when two men get together they booze and have funn

in the case of two woomen.... its always bitching ...

4:03 PM  
Blogger firacub said...

Yup Saby thats so true.. I mean why cant they CO-EXIST.. Why do women always have to bitch about each other??? Any answers plz..


7:34 PM  
Blogger firacub said...

One thing I would like to say is that u know how to play with your words. Keep it up..


7:49 PM  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Saby and Fira:
First of all don't generalize.
Second, we don't bitch, we assess our chances :)

9:18 PM  
Blogger Citrus said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:47 PM  
Blogger firacub said...

Aha.. There goes Dewdy for the rescue... hehehehe..

And Chikka.. MUUAAHHHHH!!!!

Ok... Ahem!! I was in a good mood mate so felt like sharing the happiness ;)


2:05 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

heyy devile
i just realized
i havent read wat u rote yet

so i just did, and
it looked awesome

but honestly
it was a bouncer

went rite above my head
and i am pretyy tall
a six -footer

and it didnt help
dat yr blogg registers an error
requiring de-bugging

dis is wat i read:

A vile dream and all is pain,
Twitches, twists on the nights winding way,
Come morning the dream is gone,
A faint tremor and then she falls into unperturbed calm.
A chair to sit on, peering with those doused eyes,
She sits still for the sullen artist,
Who walks in with his sullen stride.
A brush stroke here and a stab there, a frown and then a disgusted cry,
‘Smile you hag. Give me a better picture to paint! Don’t sit there like a waxen display!’
‘Art thou dead? Art thou dead?’ they scream in her face,
No, not yet the doctor declares.
‘O but she sits so still, O but she hears not what he says.’
‘Slap her, make her cry, O let her stir, she is the bride!’
Again, again, the vague princess shaken and jabbed,
Trembling lips, a tiny tear,
Appreciative smiles, glad cheer…
And then they abandon.
The artist satiated, stabs, strokes, swipes his brush,
Stands back to look at his piece,
Stares back a pale dame in lonely colours.
‘Art thou dead? Art thou dead?’
‘No, not yet.’

8:24 PM  
Blogger Ashes said...

This is beautiful.period

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the guy above is in love

-Anony mouse

6:19 AM  
Blogger De.vile said...

yep saby i know. i did a little bit of an experiment on the template. considering my techincal intelligence is as pathetic as nil i screwed something up. its actually " or ' n

2:34 PM  
Blogger firacub said...

Hi Chikka,
The only possible problem with the template could be the javascript that you may have used in the template scripting. Just check the script once again for any possible bugs and republish your entire blog. Hopefully the problem should go away.


1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

me thinks the prob is Fira
wish he wud go away

- Anony Mouse, the irritated one

5:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy devile
the agony aunt
has just got u all figured out

she seems to no more abt yr psyche
then u do

go to

- saby

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy devile this agony mouse knows nothing and has a blog that is comment-starved. Do leave some comments in
Then she wont bother abt ur psyche anymore.

Agony Rat

6:17 AM  
Blogger deryke said...

your poetry is so creepyt, but i like it but its so creepy. can you give me some insight?

3:03 PM  
Blogger De.vile said...

@deryke saw some freaky movie some time ago an then a poetry from when i was 10. something from school, things that stayed in mind...gave it a numb woman shape. glad u likes it. no matter if u think tis creepy :)

7:33 PM  
Blogger Georgio said...

whats the difference in bein stoned and doped?

11:02 PM  
Blogger sandeip said...


10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site... » » »

12:19 AM  

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