Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Words are simple here

It was large and it was warm. There was ice-cream, there was hugging and there were words of promises. They may end soon and I may move. I never remember the happy bits but I always remember how they feel. Like warm chocolate ice cream that turned liquid when my tongue felt it. There was a smell of company and warm sun that blinded us. There was screaming, yodeling and we laughed like God's crazy inventions, which we are.

Not for the first time, I felt, these pieces fit together. We may not be best friends for life, but once you know belonging, you can't go back.

This is happy time. This is simple and untouched by the covers of dull bedrooms and corroding tears. This is the other side you wake up to when you get in touch with yourself.



Blogger Jimmy said...

it is impossible to have a Goan wedding without feni DeVile

u can dont serve food no prob
all that Goyenkars want is unlimited booze

a lively band
a great compere
and a great crowd

it is also a NONO to dance with your own wife

do come DeVile
get a partner too

same sex will do too

3:11 PM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

I have always fantasized about u

3:12 PM  
Blogger Ashes said...

wish that the happy times stay static and yet fluid.more of happiness is always a good thing.

7:44 PM  

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